Inget är så svårt som att skriva om sig själv jag har därför valt att uppdatera formuleringarna i en text där Divers Alert Netvork, DAN beskrev mig i samband med en artikel. På en länk finns också resultatet av en intervju med mig som den rumänska websidan My Dive gjorde våren 2011. (Läs som pdf)
"Hans Ornhagen, MD, PhD, was employed as senior research officer research at the Swedish Defence Research Establishment, department of naval medicine 1981. From 1992 to 2004, when he retired, he was director of research and responsible for naval medicine research. He is also since 1981 , the consulting doctor to the Swedish Sport Diving Federation and he works as a consultant to PADI, SSI and NAUI. To the Swedish sports divers he is known as the doctor running the "free" consultation phone, and he was the driving force behind the examination form now used by all diving schools in Sweden, both activities sponsored by the sports diving organizations of Sweden. Many of the instructors have read his textbook in "Hyperbaric physiology and diving medicine" although it is primarily aimed at the education of diving doctors for the Swedish Navy, an activity that Hans Ornhagen has had on his agenda since 1977. He has published two more books and several scientific articles on mainly hyperbaric physiology topics ranging from liquid breathing and hydrogen diving to alternobaric vertigo in diving and breath hold diving. Hans Ornhagen is the recipient of the DAN Europe Award 1998 for outstanding contribution to diving safety and medicine."
In addition to the text above taken from the Alert Diver, let me mention that I am a ** CMAS diver since 1972, but I do not dive that
much any longer. However, I have had nice diving experiences on the Swedish west
coast, in Norway and on the Maldives which is the place where I dive today, if I dive.
In 1998 I received the Scuba Schools International "Platinum Pro 5000 Diver" award and the Divers Alert Network "Award for outstanding contribution to diving safety".
Since my retirement from the Swedish Defence Research Establishment in 2004 I work as a consultant in diving medicine, and you can reach me via phone +4673 2503935. In May 2019 I handed over the job as federation doctor at the Swedish Sportsdiving Federation to Dr Georgios Sidiras.
In addition to diving medicine my interests are Diving history and the Swedish Diving Historical Society. You will find more about this on
If you would like to see my CV please contact me via e-mail hans(at)
I tillägg till detta kan kanske nämnas att jag är CMAS** sedan 1972, men att jag dyker sällan numera. Goda dykupplevelser har jag haft i Bohuslän, Norge, Filippinerna och på Maldiverna.
1998 erhöll jag "Platinum Pro 5000 Diver"
av Scuba Schools International och "DAN award for outstanding contribution
to diving safety" av Divers Alert Network Europe, för mina insatser
för sportdykningen.
Sedan jag gick i pension från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut 2004 arbetar jag som konsult i dykerimedicin och jag kan nås för diskussioner via tel +46(0)73 2503935. Den "Icke akuta dykerimedicinska rådgivningen" har sedan maj 2019 tagits över av Dr Georgios Sidiras.
Den som vill ha en mer formell meritförteckning kan kontakta mig via e-post hans(snabel a) Har skrivit utan @ för att minska risken för onödiga spam.
Min huvudsakliga intressen utöver dykerimedicin för rekreationsdykare är Dyktankhuset, ett dykerimuseum på Djurgården i Stockholm. Se Svensk Dykerihistorisk Förening, SDHF, för mer detaljer.